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Компанија 1

Marketing Agency

About Company

Company profile

  • Company ID:
  • Sector/ NACE Classifications:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Number of employees:
  • Product/Service:
  • Domestic/Multinational:

Company contact

  • Owner/Manager:
  • Address:
  • Postal code:
  • Telephone:
  • E-mail:
  • Website:

Production performance

  • Products:
  • Key technology:
  • Annual total production capacity (in tons, units or EUR):
  • Annual production capacities utilization (in %):
  • International quality standards:

Export performance

  • Product 1:
  • Product HS code 1:
  • Product 2:
  • Product HS code 2:
  • Product HS code 3:
  • Number of exporting countries:
  • Exporting countries:
  • Exports share in income:

Description of company

max 250 words space

Products of company

Product 1

HS code:

There’s no denying that the landscape of work is changing. More and more companies

Product 2

HS code:

There’s no denying that the landscape of work is changing. More and more companies

Product 3

HS code:

There’s no denying that the landscape of work is changing. More and more companies

Product 4

HS code:

There’s no denying that the landscape of work is changing. More and more companies